Band members are responsible for the security of their equipment.
There will be a strict time limit of 20 minutes for each band to play. All songs can be original or cover songs or songs by other artists.
While one band is playing, the next band may start getting ready to set up in the background. However, please do not be disruptive so that the band on stage can be the focus of the judges and the crowd.
Bands may not use pre-recorded sound material. All bands must play live. The judging system is designed to keep the contest open to all skill levels and song choices while keeping the event fair and competitive. Judges will be instructed to ignore “genre bias”, that is, not to reward a band for playing a type/style of music that the judge personally likes, and, conversely, not to penalize a band simply because the music isn’t agreeable with the judge’s personal taste.
There are five categories on which each band will be judged. Each category is worth 100 points. At the end of each performance, the total number of points a band receives from each judge will be added together with the other judges to reach the band’s final score.